Degree Bachelor of Image Arts and Sciences Master of Image Arts
Language of Instruction Japanese Japanese
Enrollment Semester April April
Duration 4 Years 2 Years
Enrollment Capacity 150 students 10 students
No. of international students (AY2015) 29 students (4.1%) 0 student (0%)
Tuition Fees Undergraduate (AY2016,Japanese) Graduate (AY2017)
Mandatory Course Graduation Research Project Creative Project Seminar 1·2

Ritsumeikan University and Ritsumeikan Asia-Pacific University Selected for the "Top Global University Project"

The "Top Global University Project" aims to enhance the global competitiveness of higher education in Japan, help Japanese universities strengthen their relationships with leading overseas institutions, and achieve educational reforms.
The project is divided into two categories: Top Type (Type A) for universities that provide world-class research and education and Global Traction Type (Type B) for universities that lead the internationalization of Japanese universities. Ritsumeikan University and Ritsumeikan Asia-Pacific University have been selected for the Type B project.

  • Type A: The University of Tokyo, Kyoto University and other 11 universities
  • Type B: Ritsumeikan University and other 23 universities
