
安高 啓朗

ATAKA, Hiroaki






  • 安高啓朗「国際関係理論は終わったのか―グローバル国際関係学にみる自己省察の行方」葛谷彩・芝崎厚士編『「国際政治学」は終わったのか―日本からの応答』ナカニシヤ出版、2018年、127-148

  • Hiroaki Ataka. 2018. Temporal Assumptions in Global IR: A Critique, paper presented at The 3rd Afrasian International Symposium: Time, Ethics, and Global Affairs, Afrasian Research Centre, Ryukoku University, 20 January 2018.

  • 安高啓朗「ネオリベラリズムの生命力―世界金融危機後のアメリカにみるネオリベラリズムの行為遂行的効果―」日本政治学会編『年報政治学』2017-I57-79頁.

  • Takahiro Yamada and Hiroaki Ataka. The Eternal Divide? The Curious Non-Growth of Theories in Japanese IR, paper presented at the Fifth Global International Studies Conference, College of Social Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei, 3 April 2017.

  • Norihisa Yamashita, Atsushi Shibasaki and Hiroaki Ataka. The Constraints of Change: Deconstructing the Westphalian Narrative in Theory and Practice, paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Conference 2017, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, 24 February 2017.

  • 山下範久・安高啓朗・芝崎厚士編『ウェストファリア史観を脱構築する―歴史記述としての国際関係論』ナカニシヤ出版、2016年.

  • Ataka, Hiroaki. 2016. Geopolitics or Geobody Politics? Understanding the Rise of China and its Actions in the South China Sea. Asian Journal of Peacebuilding 4(1): 77-95.